Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So recently I saw spring. The trees blossomed with the changes in temperature and on two occasion I spent the day taking them in and capturing photos. It was really good even though the second occasion was marked with rainfall throughout. It was better though because it looked eerie and artistic which being a photography amateur, I'll take it from whatever dishes it out, weather included.

I also felt it. I just can't describe what this winter was like for me looking back. It was kind of like clothing yourself every day knowing that the whole day will be spent outside, even though you'll mostly be indoors. I guess I never really appreciated central heating while I endured "hard" winters in America. But it was really just sprinting to the next heated box, whether it was my dorm room, school building, cafeteria, or car. That's why I could be one of those crazy high schoolers who went around in winter without a jacket. Because I honestly didn't need one. I wasn't outside long enough to feel any considerable amount of cold.
Also I never appreciated that fact that we believe in heating. It just so happened that I was teaching a unit on health. The students would constantly suggest not using heat because it will make you sick. Something to do with temperature change. The only time heat can be used is to heat up water all year round. Is is freezing out??Hot water. OK. Is is hotter than blazes? Hot water. What?!?
Yeah so, multiple times I encountered instances of a perfectly good heater remaining in the corner turned off. Or even more hilarious was when the heater was on but the windows and door were open creating a sizable draft.

But all that's over now and I can barely remember the days of constantly cold hands, and heating up little water sacks and throwing them into my bed a half hour before bedtime. It's all good here and I've got the pictures to prove it.

1 comment:

  1. The girl next to you doesn't look thrilled to be in the picture. Also, the flower pictures are pretty, nice work, amateur!
